90705 QA-OD
Focal thinning of disc rim from approximately 6:00 to 7:00 o’clock; note change in course of vessel that traverses disc margin at 7:30 o’clock (click here to enlarge)
90705 60M-OD
Focal thinning of disc rim from approximately 6:00 to 7:00 o’clock; note change in course of vessel that traverses disc margin at 7:30 o’clock (click here to enlarge)
90461 QA-OS
Focal thinning of disc rim from approximately 5:30 to 6:00 o’clock; note associated sectoral loss of nerve fiber layer and disc hemorrhage. (click here to enlarge)
90461 60M-OS
Focal thinning of disc rim from approximately 5:30 to 6:00 o’clock; note associated sectoral loss of nerve fiber layer and disc hemorrhage. (click here to enlarge)
90631 QA-OS
Generalized thinning of disc rim, most notably inferiorly; note generalized and focal arteriolar narrowing. (click here to enlarge)
90631 54M-OS
Generalized thinning of disc rim, most notably inferiorly; note generalized and focal arteriolar narrowing. (click here to enlarge)
91038 QA-OD
Thinning of disc rim superiorly and increased saucerization of disc rim inferiorly. (click here to enlarge)
91038 66M-OD
Thinning of disc rim superiorly and increased saucerization of disc rim inferiorly. (click here to enlarge)
91149 QA-OD
Thinning of disc rim inferotemporally; note change in course of vessel that traverses disc margin at 7:30 o’clock and nerve fiber layer hemorrhage at 7:00 o’clock. (click here to enlarge)
91149 48M-OD
Thinning of disc rim inferotemporally; note change in course of vessel that traverses disc margin at 7:30 o’clock and nerve fiber layer hemorrhage at 7:00 o’clock. (click here to enlarge)